May 13, 2021
Polk County Public Health is offering Pfizer vaccine to all adolescents 12 years of age or older to be administered on May 20th, 2021 at the Crookston High School. Pfizer requires a second dose 3 weeks later on June 10th, 2021; if vaccinated on May 20th, we will be sending the link to register for a follow up clinic which will take place at Polk County Public Health in Crookston.
If the child is 12-17 years old, parental consent required. If student is 18 years of age or older, they can register/consent themselves.
Please register online using Chrome Browser only: https://prepmod.health.state.mn.us//appointment/en/reg/4245913062 Please note, the time you register for is not the actual time; time will be determined with the school.
All consent forms are due by Monday, May 17th at 4:30pm.
If any questions, please email ashley.solie@co.polk.mn.us or holly.blilie@co.polk.mn.us or call 218-521-8350.