Pirate FAST Program
June 5, 2020
The Pirate Flexibility, Agility, and Strength Training Program will be starting on Monday, June 15th. Please Register by June 11th.
DATE: June 15-July 29th (Mon-Thur)
TIME: 7:00-8:00pm
LOCATION: CHS Athletic Fields- West of Dreschel Field Bleachers
The Covid-19 pandemic presents state athletic activities with a variety of challenges. The Minnesota State High School League believes it is essential to the physical and mental well-being of high school students across the state to return to physical activity. The Pirate Coaching Staff is set to begin our summer workouts for our athletes and will do so in Phases that follow the Minnesota Governors Stay Safe Phases.
Liability Waiver: All participants must have a liability release waiver on file.
Pre-workout screening: Each participant (Coach and Athlete) will be screened for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 prior to the workout. ( NFHS form will be used each day)The screening will include a temperature check and a questionnaire. Any person with positive symptoms reported will not be allowed to participate and should contact their primary care provider or other appropriate health care professional.
Masks: Encourage but not mandatory.
Social distancing: Participants must practice social distancing the entire time they are working out.
Locker rooms: These will not be open for use. Hydration: Athletes must bring their own water bottles and cannot share.
Dress: Dress according to conditions, we will be outside on the natural grass fields.
Grouping: Athletes will be divided into “pods” of less than 10 people per pod. Athletes will remain in the same pod for the duration of the summer workouts. No substitutions will be made.
Bathroom facilities: Will be very limited and also disinfected daily.
Weather: In case of poor weather tune into KROX and the Crookston Times for announcements