Region I Leadership Day
November 17, 2021
Crookston students traveled to NCTC in Thief River Falls for the Region I Leadership Development Day.
Students competed in Speaking Events and attended workshop rooms to learn about agriculture. Workshops included ZSpace (virtual reality), Calving, Horse care, Drones, Floral Design, Welding, Engines, and so much more!
Prepared Public Speaking: Students have prepared and memorized a 6-8 minute speech. Following their speech, they answer questions from the judges.
Jo Jo Wallace placed 1st with her speech "Honey Bees" and will be advancing to the State FFA Convention.\
Taylor Wieland placed 2nd with her speech" Ag Ed in Schools" and will be advancing to the State FFA Convention.
Extemporaneous Speaking: Students draw three topics and select one. They have 30 minutes to prepare a 5-7 minute speech, and then present to judges. Questions follow.
Samantha Rezac placed 5th.
Mady Knutson placed 8th.
Creed Speaking: Students memorize the FFA Creed, recite it to judges, and answer questions related to the FFA Creed.
Addie Schiller placed 4th and will be advancing to the State FFA Convention.
Ally Wagner placed 9th
Employment Skills: Students write a resume, cover letter, complete a job application, interview, and write a follow-up thank you letter.
Ellie Nesseth Placed 5th.